Our Policies

Quality Policy

The continuing Policy of Commercial Body Fittings Ltd is to provide a high quality, professional and efficient service to ensure the satisfaction of all of the requirements of our Customers. This achievement will result in securing efficiency, a strong customer focus and enhancement of long-term sustainability and profitability within the Organisation.

The Management Team will show leadership, commitment, strategic direction and will bear the responsibility for establishing, implementing, integrating and maintaining the Quality Management System.

We undertake to ensure sufficient resources are made available within the Organisation to achieve this. We undertake to ensure through communication, engagement, practical example and training that Quality is the aim of all members of the Organisation.

Through direction and support, each employee will have a proper understanding of the importance of the Quality System function, their responsibility to contribute to its effectiveness, and its direct relevance to the success of the Organisation.

Equally, every employee is responsible for, and will be trained to perform the duties required by his or her specific role.

The Organisation has a Policy of promoting continual improvement and setting of Quality Objectives in line with the framework laid down within ISO 9001:2015 Standard. These objectives will also address the risks and opportunities within the Organisation as determined by Top Management.

We confirm that the Quality Policy, Quality Manual & the Standard Operating Procedures Manual have been developed to meet & accurately describes the Quality System in use within the Organisation to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.

The Quality System will be monitored, measured, evaluated and enhanced regularly under the Top Management’s ultimate responsibility, with regular reporting and communication of the status and effectiveness at all levels.


Occupational Health & Safety Policy Statement

Commercial Body Fittings Ltd. is a safety-conscious organisation, which values the effective management of health, safety and welfare throughout all parts of its business. The company has a clear objective to minimise harm to persons and property, with a proactive approach to effective risk management, whilst aiming to eliminate hazards and reduce occupational health and safety risks. All work is undertaken in accordance with best practice, with all reasonably practicable measures adopted, to avoid risk to employees and others who may be affected.

Management and supervisory staff have the responsibility for implementing the policy throughout the company and must ensure that health and safety considerations are always given priority in planning and day-to-day supervision of all work.

Commercial Body Fittings Ltd. will fully comply with the requirements of Statutory Legislation, whilst also complying with best practices and the requirements and duties defined within Approved Codes of Practice and Guidance (as issued by the Health and Safety Executive) and is fully committed to the continual improvement of the occupational health and safety management system.

All employees and sub-contractors are expected to co-operate and assist in the implementation of this policy, whilst ensuring that their own works, so far as reasonably practicable, are undertaken with no risk to themselves, others, nor the environment. This includes co-operating with the management on any health, safety or environmental matters. Commercial Body Fittings Ltd. will ensure consultation and participation of workers, when considering any health and safety matters.

Commercial Body Fittings Ltd. will take all practical steps to ensure that potential hazards and risks are identified; that suitable and effective preventative and control measures are implemented and provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health. This will include issuing all employees with the necessary tools, equipment and personal protective equipment, to safely perform their duties. All necessary financial resources will be made available, by Commercial Body Fittings Ltd., in order for the company to comply with its statutory duties and requirements of this policy.

All employees will be provided with instruction and training in safe methods of work and the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of tools and equipment. The Managing Director has overall responsibility for all health, safety, welfare and environmental matters. This policy and associated procedures set out the framework for the occupational health and safety objectives within Commercial Body Fittings Ltd and will be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis, to ensure they measure the effectiveness of the management system.


Environmental Statement

Please see our Environmental Statement below. Click here to view the full PDF.